A hoist wire rope is a machine in and of itself that requires proper selection, installation, and maintenance. As a wire rope is used in a hoisting application, the individual wires move and allow the rope to bend around the drum and sheaves. This movement causes friction and abrasive forces that require proper lubrication. If selection, installation, operation, or maintenance is improper, the rope life will be shortened dramatically. Even under the optimum conditions and usage, every wire rope used in a hoisting application will eventually fail. Therefore, routine periodic inspections, by a trained and qualified inspector must be employed to determine the condition of the wire rope so that replacement made before the rope fails.

When we look at wire rope wear and failure, there are numerous possible causes. Possible causes include:
- Abrasion Caused Failure
- Core Protrusion
- Corrosion Caused Failure
- Cut or Shear Caused Failure
- Fatigue Caused Failure
- Tension Caused Failure (Overloading of Rope)