What are the factors that affect the stability of a gantry crane?

The structure, performance, shape and application fields of gantry cranes belong to general types, and are widely used in freight yards, factories, ports and other occasions. Regardless of single-girder gantry crane or double-girder gantry crane, there are some safety hazards in the application process of enterprises. Most of the induced reasons are due to the influence of the stability of the gantry crane.

  1. The center of gravity of the gantry crane is offset

Due to the irregular structure of the gantry crane, special care should be taken when calculating its center of gravity. If there is an error in the calculation, the center of gravity of the gantry crane appears to be up or other deviations, it is likely to cause the gantry crane due to the unstable center of gravity. Loss of balance, which eventually leads to a tipping accident of the equipment. Generally, regular manufacturers have production qualifications and professional technicians, so you can buy our products with peace of mind.

  1. There is a problem with the quality of the components of the gantry crane

For example, the components of the supporting legs of the gantry crane are broken, deformed, bent, etc. due to quality problems, which will affect the overall stability of the equipment and tilt.

  1. The gantry crane is subjected to a large external force

Gantry cranes generally work outdoors. If they encounter strong winds or collisions with other objects, the stability of the gantry cranes may be affected and the accident of tilting or overturning may occur. In the process of use, pay attention to the cleaning of the work area and take windproof measures.

  1. The gantry crane brakes suddenly during operation

The sudden braking will make the operating inertia of the gantry crane bring a huge torque, which will not only cause damage to the parts of the equipment, but also affect the stability of the gantry crane. In order to prevent such accidents, the brakes of the gantry crane generally Adjust properly to avoid sudden braking.

  1. The lifting operation of the gantry crane is not standardized

When the enterprise uses the gantry crane, if the operation rules are violated, the operator performs illegal operations, such as overloading, skew-pulling, unbalanced double-hook lifting, etc., which will affect the stability of the gantry crane.

  1. There is a problem with the installation of the gantry crane

For example, the surface of the installation site is inclined or the foundation is not compacted, and the components are not firmly fixed during installation, which will affect the stability of the gantry crane. The foundation of the gantry crane is a very important factor. If the user does not know how to do the foundation, he can contact us.


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