Instructions for Use of Explosion-proof Hoists

Explosion-proof cranes are mainly used in coal mines, oil and gas, petrochemical, chemical and other occupations. In addition, it is widely used in textiles, metallurgy, urban gas, transportation, grain and oil processing, papermaking, medicine and other parts. As the primary power equipment, explosion-proof motors are usually used to drive pumps, fans, compressors and other transmission machinery.

Installation equipment: Use couplings for secondary leveling. Before connecting the cables, carefully clean the junction box. Check the creepage interval and electrical clearance of the explosion-proof motor junction box of the crane. The sealing and clamping of the cable entrance and grounding wire inside and outside the motor shall be handled according to regulations. The anchor bolts must be tightened and fixed.

Motor debugging: measure the insulation resistance value not lower than the specified value. Carry out no-load test run as required. For the new crane explosion-proof motor foundation, the amplitude of the foundation should be tested. A small number of loads can be added at additional speeds. After the motor is loaded, test it for 1-6 hours from small to large under additional conditions, and check the normal operating conditions (extra power and extra speed) specified in the manual. Check whether the local motor has potential. Check the vibration, noise value and abnormal noise of the explosion-proof lifting motor. Check whether the maintenance and monitoring equipment is operating normally.