Correct Connection of Crane Sling

When hoisting, use the sling connection method correctly. The sling should be correctly placed and connected to the load in a safe way. The sling must be placed on the load so that the load can be balanced. The width of the sling should never be knotted or tied. The stitched part of the twisted sling can not be placed on the hook or lifting equipment, and always placed on the upright part of the sling, to prevent tag damage by staying away from the load, hook and locking angle.

Precautions for the use of multiple combination slings The evaluation of the ultimate working force of multiple combination slings is determined by the symmetry of the combined slings to bear the load, that is, when lifting, the branches of the slings are distributed symmetrically and evenly according to the design, with the same vertical angle . 3 Combination sling, if the branch cannot be uniformly loaded according to the design, and the maximum strength is on a branch, it will be the sum of the maximum bearing capacity of the adjacent branch at the design angle.

The same result is in the 4 combination sling, if it is not a rigid load , Will also be counted. Note: For rigid loads, most of the gravity may be borne by three or even two of them, and the remaining one only protects the balance of the load. When hoisting, the protective sling of the sling should be kept away from sharp edges, friction and wear, regardless of Whether it is away from the load or lifting equipment, the appropriate part of the sling should be strengthened and protected from sharp edges and wear. The necessary additional strengthening protection supplement is necessary.