Choosing the Right Cantilever Crane for Your Project Philippines

Cantilever Crane Overview

Cantilever cranes are a type of lifting equipment that has a horizontal beam supported by a vertical mast or tower. The beam can extend beyond the support, creating a cantilever effect that allows the crane to lift and move loads over a large area. Cantilever cranes are widely used in various industries, such as construction, shipbuilding, manufacturing, and mining.

There are three main types of cantilever cranes: cantilever gantry crane, cantilever jib crane, and cantilever bridge crane. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages, depending on the application and the environment. In this article, we will explain the differences between these types of cranes and how to choose the right one for your project.

Cantilever Gantry Crane

A cantilever gantry crane consists of two vertical legs that support a horizontal beam. The beam can have one or two cantilevers at each end, depending on the design. The crane can be mounted on rails or wheels, allowing it to move along a fixed or flexible track. The crane can also be equipped with a trolley or a hoist that travels along the beam to lift and move loads.

Cantilever gantry cranes are suitable for outdoor applications where there is no overhead structure to support the crane. They can also be used indoors where there is enough space and clearance for the legs and the beam. Cantilever gantry cranes can handle heavy loads up to several hundred tons and span large distances up to several hundred meters. Among them, the Double Girder Gantry Crane is our most popular product.

Benefits of cantilever gantry cranes:

  • They can cover a large area without interfering with other equipment or structures.
  • They can be easily installed and relocated, as they do not require a foundation or permanent support.
  • They can be customized to fit different specifications and requirements, such as height, span, capacity, speed, and control system.

Drawbacks of cantilever gantry cranes:

  • They are more expensive than other types of cranes, as they require more materials and components.
  • They are more susceptible to wind and weather conditions, as they have a large surface area exposed to the elements.
  • They require more maintenance and inspection, as they have more moving parts and joints.

Cantilever Jib Crane

A cantilever jib crane consists of a vertical mast that supports a horizontal boom. The boom can have a fixed or a variable length, depending on the design. The boom can also rotate around the mast, allowing the crane to cover a circular or semi-circular area. The crane can be equipped with a trolley or a hoist that travels along the boom to lift and move loads.

Cantilever jib cranes are suitable for indoor or outdoor applications where there is limited space or clearance for other types of cranes. They can also be used in conjunction with other cranes, such as overhead cranes or gantry cranes, to provide additional lifting capacity or flexibility. Cantilever jib cranes can handle light to medium loads up to several tons and span small to medium distances up to several meters.

Benefits of cantilever jib cranes:

  • They can provide precise and flexible positioning of loads in a confined area.
  • They can be easily installed and operated, as they do not require a lot of space or power supply.
  • They can be adapted to different environments and applications, such as workshops, warehouses, docks, or assembly lines.

Drawbacks of cantilever jib cranes:

  • They have a limited range of motion and coverage, as they can only rotate within a certain angle and radius.
  • They have a lower lifting capacity and speed than other types of cranes, as they have less stability and leverage.
  • They may cause obstruction or interference with other equipment or structures, as they have a protruding boom.

Cantilever Bridge Crane

A cantilever bridge crane consists of two horizontal beams that are supported by vertical columns or walls. The beams can extend beyond the supports, creating a cantilever effect that allows the crane to lift and move loads over a large area. The crane can be equipped with a trolley or a hoist that travels along the beams to lift and move loads.

Cantilever bridge cranes are suitable for indoor applications where there is an overhead structure to support the crane. They can also be used outdoors where there is a stable and level ground to support the columns or walls. Cantilever bridge cranes can handle heavy loads up to several hundred tons and span large distances up to several hundred meters. Among them, free standing bridge crane is one of our more popular products.

Benefits of cantilever bridge cranes:

  • They can cover a large area without occupying a lot of floor space or interfering with other equipment or structures.
  • They can provide high lifting capacity and speed, as they have a strong and rigid structure.
  • They can be integrated with other systems and devices, such as automation, safety, or communication.

Drawbacks of cantilever bridge cranes:

  • They are more difficult and costly to install and maintain, as they require a foundation and permanent support.
  • They are more affected by vibration and noise, as they have a long and thin structure.
  • They may pose a safety hazard, as they have a high potential energy and a large impact force.

How to Choose the Right Cantilever Crane for Your Project?

To choose the right cantilever crane for your project, you need to consider several factors, such as:

  1. The type and weight of the load you need to lift and move
  2. The size and shape of the area you need to cover
  3. The height and clearance you need to operate the crane
  4. The frequency and duration of the crane operation
  5. The budget and timeline of your project
  6. The environmental and safety conditions of your site

Based on these factors, you can compare the advantages and disadvantages of each type of cantilever crane and select the one that best suits your needs. You can also contact us. We can provide you with more information and guidance on choosing the right cantilever crane for your project.