Causes of wheel slip of bridge cranes

overhead cranes (including single-girder bridge cranes and double-girder bridge cranes) have a total of 4 wheels at both ends. Some customers found that their cranes could not walk after starting, and the wheels slipped during operation. After analysis, There may be the following reasons:

  1. The 4 wheels are not in the same plane.

The four wheels of the bridge crane normally run on the same plane. If there is one wheel that is not on the same plane, padding should be added to adjust the angle bearing box.

  1. The start is too violent, or the braking response is too sensitive.

When the crane starts or stops, if it is too sudden, it will cause a short slip, and the fault can be eliminated by adjusting the brake.

  1. Check whether there is oil on the track and wheels, whether there is water on the open track, etc.

When there is oil, water, etc. on the track, the friction between the wheel and the track may be reduced, resulting in slippage. The track should be cleaned before use.

The wheel slip of the bridge crane should be dealt with in time, otherwise it is easy to cause the crane to run out of synchronization, resulting in rail gnawing and even derailment of the crane. Businesses must pay attention. If the double-girder overhead crane trolley slips, it is also the above three reasons.

How to check for wheel slip:

The method of checking the slippage of the car is generally to observe the torsion of the car body first, and then analyze the specific reasons. If two wheels slip, check which wheel is serious, put a lead wire of equal diameter on the track, push the trolley to press the lead wire, then take out the lead wire, measure the thickness of the two lead wire pieces with calipers, the thick one indicates the wheel pressure Small, thin ones indicate large wheel pressure. The wheel with small wheel pressure slips seriously. It can also be used to remove sand on the track to observe the degree of wheel slippage. Evenly remove the fine sand on a track in the slippery area, drive the trolley here, and start it back and forth several times. If it still slips, it means that the driving wheel on this track is not the problem, but the other track. The driving wheel pressure on the upper is small. The same test can be repeated.