Scrap Yard Crane&Junk Yard Crane for Sale Philippines

Scrap Yard Crane&Junk Yard Crane Overview

A scrap handling crane is a specialized type of crane that is designed to lift, move, and sort various kinds of scrap metal and waste materials. A good scrap handling crane can help you maximize your productivity, profitability, and safety in your junkyard.

But how do you choose the right scrap handling crane for your needs? There are many factors to consider, such as the size, capacity, speed, reach, mobility, and features of the crane. In this article, we will explain the different types of scrap handling cranes and how to select the best one for your junkyard business. There are two main types of scrap handling cranes: Grab Bucket Overhead Cranes and grab bucket gantry cranes. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages depending on your specific application and environment.

Scrap Crane&overhead cranes

Overhead cranes are cranes that are mounted on rails or beams that run along the ceiling or roof of a building. They can move horizontally and vertically to lift and transport scrap materials within a fixed area. Overhead cranes are ideal for indoor junkyards or warehouses that have limited floor space and need to handle large volumes of scrap. Overhead cranes can also be equipped with magnets, grapples, or buckets to handle different kinds of scrap materials.

Benefits of overhead cranes:

  • They can lift heavy loads to several tons with high precision and stability.
  • They can operate in multiple directions and cover a large area within a building.
  • They can reduce the need for ground-level equipment and personnel, which can improve safety and efficiency.

Drawbacks of overhead cranes:

  • They require a high initial investment and maintenance cost.
  • They are dependent on the structure and condition of the building they are installed in.
  • They may not be suitable for outdoor or uneven terrain.

Scrap Handling Crane&Gantry Cranes

Gantry cranes are cranes that are supported by two or more legs that run on rails or wheels on the ground. They can move horizontally along the rails or wheels to lift and transport scrap materials within a fixed area. Gantry cranes are ideal for outdoor junkyards or open spaces that have enough room for the crane to operate. Gantry cranes can also be equipped with magnets, grapples, or buckets to handle different kinds of scrap materials.

Benefits of gantry cranes:

  • They can lift heavy loads to several tons with high precision and stability.
  • They can operate in multiple directions and cover a large area on the ground.
  • They can be easily installed and relocated as needed.

Drawbacks of gantry cranes:

  • They require a lot of space and clearance on the ground.
  • They may not be able to handle very tall or bulky scrap materials.
  • They may be affected by weather conditions and terrain obstacles.

How to Select the Best Scrap Handling Crane?

Here are some factors to consider:

  1. The size and weight of the scrap materials you need to handle. You should choose a crane that can lift and transport the scrap materials safely and efficiently. You should also consider the height and width of the scrap materials and the clearance and reach of the crane.
  2. The volume and frequency of the scrap materials you need to handle. You should choose a crane that can handle the amount and rate of the scrap materials you need to process. You should also consider the storage and disposal options for the scrap materials and the cycle time and downtime of the crane.
  3. The location and environment of your junkyard. You should choose a crane that can operate in your specific site and conditions. You should also consider the weather, terrain, noise, dust, and safety issues that may affect the crane’s performance and maintenance.
  4. The budget and resources of your junkyard. You should choose a crane that fits your financial and operational capabilities. You should also consider the initial cost, operating cost, maintenance cost, and lifespan of the crane.

A good scrap handling crane can help improve your dump site’s productivity, profitability, and safety. Please feel free to contact us with any questions and crane needs.

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